New Decade's Resolution

Happy New Year and Happy New Decade Everyone!

I’ve recently figured out that humanity seems to have the same limiting belief that I have, and it’s time to get over that and open to our full potential.


This New Year's Eve I met another Aquarius Two. And that was really exciting. I’m an Aquarius from Western astrology and 2 from the Enneagram. In the Enneagram, the 2 is a Helper whose challenge is to figure out how to take care of themself as well as they take care of others. An Aquarius is someone who has really really big visions, ideas and dreams about how they want to make a better world.

This combination, as I summarized, basically makes us codependent with humanity. I want to help humanity so so much, and I have made the foolish gamble of tethering my own sense of well-being to the success of humanity. When combined, the challenge for an Aquarius 2 is to learn how to take care of myself as well as I desire to take care of humanity. That's a lot. It's hard to imagine giving myself that much love.

As I think about this more, I'm beginning to realize that it works both ways. The lessons that I am trying to learn for myself are the same lessons that humanity needs to learn. Actually it's advice that I would give to just about anyone. The message that I am learning this new year is that

I already have everything I need in order to fulfill all my dreams.

I simply need to trust myself and put them into action.

It is time for me to let go of that mother of all limiting beliefs, the one that makes me think that I'm not enough. I'm not good enough. I'm not ready enough. I'm not deserving enough. It says, there's probably someone else who is supposed to do this, someone more qualified or more ready. The voice says that it's probably impossible to do what I want to do with my life.

It seems that this limiting belief haunts humanity as well. Collectively, we easily fall into the trap of accepting the status quo as immutable. It's easy to fall into the belief that it's impossible to overcome our divisions and build the world we want to live in. We're not sure if we deserve to even dream as big as we could.

But this line of thinking is ridiculous. Worthiness, deserving and enough-ness are not even valid questions. They don't have meaning. Similarly, perfection is not possible. We are all here and, consequently, we are pre-approved.

And this is true:

We already have everything we need to thrive and make this planet into the world we dream of.

It has already been decades that we've had enough food to feed everyone. We have enough resources. We have enough technology. We have enough money for every human being to live a great life. We have the heart, and we have the ingenuity.

And yet we seem to have this strong limiting belief that it's not possible. 

Recently, I've been noticing that this topic really triggering for me. It makes me emotional and deeply angry to hear people say that it's impossible to figure out how we can get along, unite and collaborate across our differences. It pains me to hear people say it's not possible for us to fix these problems when I can clearly see how much is possible for us as humans. In my country, U.S. Americans seem to have really resigned ourselves to things being really crappy and inadequate. People seem to accept us being stuck in a cycle of bickering and disagreement.

I can tell now that it makes me angry because I can see that same dynamic in myself.

We/I don't have to live this way. We/I really have all the answers to be as prosperous as we/I could possibly want to be. We/I have an abundance of brilliance and so many beautiful dreams. We/I care so much, so deeply. This cuts straight to the heart of all of us and that is why it's so scary. We have to learn to trust ourselves. I have to trust myself.

So again, this is my advice for myself and for everyone, all of us together, and for you:

Remember, you have everything you need to start making the world you want to live in.

Every answer to your questions is within you.

All you need to do is start believing that it's possible, and then get to work.

It's okay to evolve and grow just a little bit at a time. Nothing's going to change immediately. It's all shades of increasing adequacy. I/you/we don't have to change everything all at once. That's an illusion. I/you/we can, however, start right now making incremental changes, and in the long run, I/you/we can change things massively.

In this new year 2020, we are invited to think about a new kind of resolution. Let's make a New Decade's Resolution.

Bill Gates said says "We tend to overestimate what we can accomplish in a year. But we underestimate what we can accomplish in ten years."

How different would your life look, would my life look, would the whole world look if we spent the next 10 years believing that life could be as awesome as we could dream? What if I/you/we really accepted the fact that the only thing missing was our will to put our dreams into action?

The possibility of what we could accomplish with this mindset is so big that we might not even be able to dream big enough to imagine what we could achieve if we put our hearts into it.

Let's drop this illusory sense of inadequacy. It's time for us to integrate all of our separate parts, our beauty, and our flaws, and start the slow, incremental work of building the world we want to live in.

It's not up to anyone else to do it. There's literally no one else.

I believe in us. I believe in myself. I believe in you.

So, let's get our asses up and dust ourselves off. And let's do that again and again for as long as it takes. We've got this.

I love you all, all of you, so much.

Let's create spaces together to think of these New Decade Resolutions.

Leave a message here. Send me an email. Let's talk this out on the phone or get together in person.

What is your ten year dream?